Colectiile Armani – Giorgio renunta la folosirea blanurilor din toamna 2016

Colectiile Armani – Giorgio renunta la folosirea blanurilor din toamna 2016


Vesti bune, colectiile Armani vor deveni, foarte curand, lipsite de blanuri naturale.

Intr-un comunicat de ieri 22 martie 2016 Armani Group anunta ca, incepand cu sezonul toamna-iarna 2016, colectiile Armani nu vor mai folosi blana naturala. Decizia vine in urma unui acord al companiei cu Fur Free Alliance.

“I am pleased to announce that the Armani Group has made a firm commitment to abolish the use of animal fur in its collections. Technological progress made over the years allows us to have valid alternatives at our disposal that render the use of cruel practices unnecessary as regards animals. Pursuing the positive process undertaken long ago, my company is now taking a major step ahead, reflecting our attention to the critical issues of protecting and caring for the environment and animals”, a declarat Giorgio Armani.

“Armani’s fur-free announcement makes it clear that designers and consumers can have creative freedom and luxury all without supporting animal cruelty. Mr. Armani has been a trendsetter in the fashion world for decades and this latest announcement is proof that compassion and innovation are the future of fashion”, a declarat Joh Vinding, Presedintele Fur Free Alliance.


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